Epidemic Modeling(DES)


One of the things I have been trying to play recently with is Discrete Event Simulation(DES). I think it is a powerful tool for validating ideas. In this post, we will look at a toy epidemic model to simulate SIS/SIR models.

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Network Centrality and Robustness


A system is robust if the failure of some components doesn’t affect its function. As network engineers, we face various types of network failures like link, node failures all the time.

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Spectral Clustering


Clustering is a way to make sense of the data by grouping similar values into a group. There are many ways to achieve that and in this post we will be looking at one of the way based on spectral method. Spectral clustering provides a starting point to understand graphs with many nodes by clustering them into 2 or more clusters. This clustering technique can also be applied for analyzing general data. This technique is based on Linear algebra and Graph theory.

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